- Meet Your Personal Trainer

Company Name: 
Slogan: "Fitness training to enable you to live a healthy lifestyle you deserve."
Location: Bicton, Western Australia Australia

8 years


Intune Fitness is a health and fitness training service. It is about helping you to achieve the little things in life that matter by: Getting you moving, and doing something to improve your health so you can live longer and spend more time with loved ones. Assisting you to make exercise part of your daily routine that it becomes second nature to you. Supporting and helping you achieve a healthier and balanced lifestyle through nutrition and fitness, therefore, enabling you to enjoy life. Each session is tailored to each individual and the focus is: Ensuring that you have proper technique and form when performing the exercise to prevent injuries. Functional movements, Strengthening exercises, Endurance exercises, Balance exercises. Intune Fitness offers mobile personal training, small group training, group fitness classes, as well as Seniors exercise classes. So there is something for everyone for all levels.

50% off 1st session

Mat Pilates, HIIT, Seniors

Contact Esther Teh

My Qualifications & Registrations

Fitness Australia

My Certificates

Cert III and IV in Fitness

Les Mills Bodystep

Matwork Pilates

My Contact Details

Phone Number
See Phone Number

My Social Media

Operating Hours:


My Address:

Array ( [user_id] => 181 [first_name] => Esther [last_name] => Teh [email] => [email protected] [company] => [phone_number] => 0423 569 710 [fax_number] => [address1] => Unit 3/95 Waddell Road [address2] => [city] => Bicton [zip_code] => 6157 [state_code] => WA [state_ln] => Western Australia [country_code] => AU [country_ln] => Australia [website] => [twitter] => [youtube] => [facebook] => [linkedin] => [blog] => [quote] => Fitness training to enable you to live a healthy lifestyle you deserve. [experience] => [affiliation] => [awards] => [published] => [education] => [software] => [fees] => [about_me] => [featured] => 0 [modtime] => 2019-05-16 00:46:54 [subscription_id] => 6 [filename] => personal-trainer/western-australia/bicton/esther-teh [box_style] => [password] => $2a$11$26feb3d36be832b622cf1eD5TshElzUPRm6Qw3rB5fsuuePOZ5wuW [active] => 4 [token] => 6ec774b5de8f95cd14983ea72344aa5f [ref_code] => [signup_date] => 20190516154653 [cookie] => [account_type] => pro [page_title] => [last_login] => 20220418123330 [testimonial] => [position] => [instagram] => [credentials] => [bitly] => 0 [preferred] => 0 [profession_id] => 30 [facebook_id] => [google_id] => [facebook_username] => [facebook_email] => [verified] => 0 [pre_hold] => [link] => [pinterest] => [nationwide] => 0 [cv] => [work_experience] => [rep_matters] => [speaking_engagements] => [current_positions] => [gmap] => Unit+3/95+Waddell+RoadBicton,+WA+6157+AU [additional_fields] => [video] => [keywords] => [google_plus] => [listing_type] => Individual [phone_number2] => [lat] => -32.0300552 [lon] => 115.78450120000002 [no_geo] => [parent_id] => 0 [geo_state] => 2 [user_consent] => [search_description] => [yrs_exp] =>

8 years

[origin_ip] => [member_type] => yearly [month] => 04 [year] => 2021 [last_Login] => 20190516154653 [clientid] => 73 [orderid] => 70 [productids] => 70 [invoiceid] => 901800085 [youtube_link] =>
[qualifications1] =>

Fitness Australia

[qualifications2] => -----Select----- [qualifications3] => -----Select----- [qualifications4] => -----Select----- [qualifications5] => -----Select----- [hours] => N/A [form-heading-text-1] => 50% off 1st session [form-heading-text-2] => Mat Pilates, HIIT, Seniors [aboutnew] => Intune Fitness is a health and fitness training service. It is about helping you to achieve the little things in life that matter by: Getting you moving, and doing something to improve your health so you can live longer and spend more time with loved ones. Assisting you to make exercise part of your daily routine that it becomes second nature to you. Supporting and helping you achieve a healthier and balanced lifestyle through nutrition and fitness, therefore, enabling you to enjoy life. Each session is tailored to each individual and the focus is: Ensuring that you have proper technique and form when performing the exercise to prevent injuries. Functional movements, Strengthening exercises, Endurance exercises, Balance exercises. Intune Fitness offers mobile personal training, small group training, group fitness classes, as well as Seniors exercise classes. So there is something for everyone for all levels. [all_subcategories] => 1 [certificates3] => Matwork Pilates [filename_hidden] => personal-trainer/western-australia/bicton/esther-teh [seo_page_title] => Esther Teh [seo_page_keywords] => Esther Teh [seo_page_description] => Intune Fitness is a health and fitness training service. It is about helping you to achieve the little things in life that matter by: Getting you moving, and doing something to improve your health so you can live longer and spend more time with loved ones. [certificates1] => Cert III and IV in Fitness [certificates2] => Les Mills Bodystep [is_subscription_active] => 70 [seo_page_title_hidden] => Esther Teh - Personal-Trainer - Fitness Industry [seo_page_keywords_hidden] => Esther Teh, Esther Teh Bicton, Western Australia Australia, Esther Teh Personal-Trainer, Esther Teh Reviews [seo_page_description_hidden] => Connect with Esther Teh, Personal-Trainer in Bicton, Western Australia Australia. Find Esther Teh reviews and more. [seo_social_page_title_hidden] => Esther Teh on Meet Your Personal Trainer [seo_social_page_description_hidden] => Learn about Esther Teh, Personal-Trainer in Bicton, Western Australia Australia. Find Esther Teh reviews and more on Meet Your Personal Trainer. [form_heading_text_1] => N/A [form_heading_text_2] => N/A [service] => 237, 238, 243, 808, 247, 248, 884 [full_name] => Esther Teh [full_name_short] => Esther Teh [country_name] => Australia [state_name] => Western Australia [name] => Western Australia [location] => Bicton, Western Australia Australia [user_location] => Bicton, WA 6157 AU [profession_name] => Personal-Trainer [profession] => Meet Your Personal Trainer [gmap_zoom] => 13 [member_since] => 4.9 years [signup_date_format] => 05/16/2019 [service_name] => Functional Fitness [photo_file] => /logos/profile/-logo-bicton-wa-218.jpg [logo_file] => /logos/profile/-logo-bicton-wa-218.jpg [cover_photo] => [image_main_file] => /logos/profile/-logo-bicton-wa-218.jpg [member_login_link] => [default_category_image] => [city_name] => Bicton [custom_form] => 1 [new_filename] => %filename% ) NULL

50% off 1st session

Mat Pilates, HIIT, Seniors

Contact Esther Teh

Company Name: 

Slogan: "Fitness training to enable you to live a healthy lifestyle you deserve."

Location: Bicton, Western Australia Australia

Contact Details:

Phone Number
See Phone Number


Intune Fitness is a health and fitness training service. It is about helping you to achieve the little things in life that matter by: Getting you moving, and doing something to improve your health so you can live longer and spend more time with loved ones. Assisting you to make exercise part of your daily routine that it becomes second nature to you. Supporting and helping you achieve a healthier and balanced lifestyle through nutrition and fitness, therefore, enabling you to enjoy life. Each session is tailored to each individual and the focus is: Ensuring that you have proper technique and form when performing the exercise to prevent injuries. Functional movements, Strengthening exercises, Endurance exercises, Balance exercises. Intune Fitness offers mobile personal training, small group training, group fitness classes, as well as Seniors exercise classes. So there is something for everyone for all levels.

My Qualifications & Registrations

Fitness Australia

My Certificates

Cert III and IV in Fitness

Les Mills Bodystep

Matwork Pilates

8 years

Operating Hours:



Array ( [user_id] => 181 [first_name] => Esther [last_name] => Teh [email] => [email protected] [company] => [phone_number] => 0423 569 710 [fax_number] => [address1] => Unit 3/95 Waddell Road [address2] => [city] => Bicton [zip_code] => 6157 [state_code] => WA [state_ln] => Western Australia [country_code] => AU [country_ln] => Australia [website] => [twitter] => [youtube] => [facebook] => [linkedin] => [blog] => [quote] => Fitness training to enable you to live a healthy lifestyle you deserve. [experience] => [affiliation] => [awards] => [published] => [education] => [software] => [fees] => [about_me] => [featured] => 0 [modtime] => 2019-05-16 00:46:54 [subscription_id] => 6 [filename] => personal-trainer/western-australia/bicton/esther-teh [box_style] => [password] => $2a$11$26feb3d36be832b622cf1eD5TshElzUPRm6Qw3rB5fsuuePOZ5wuW [active] => 4 [token] => 6ec774b5de8f95cd14983ea72344aa5f [ref_code] => [signup_date] => 20190516154653 [cookie] => [account_type] => pro [page_title] => [last_login] => 20220418123330 [testimonial] => [position] => [instagram] => [credentials] => [bitly] => 0 [preferred] => 0 [profession_id] => 30 [facebook_id] => [google_id] => [facebook_username] => [facebook_email] => [verified] => 0 [pre_hold] => [link] => [pinterest] => [nationwide] => 0 [cv] => [work_experience] => [rep_matters] => [speaking_engagements] => [current_positions] => [gmap] => Unit+3/95+Waddell+RoadBicton,+WA+6157+AU [additional_fields] => [video] => [keywords] => [google_plus] => [listing_type] => Individual [phone_number2] => [lat] => -32.0300552 [lon] => 115.78450120000002 [no_geo] => [parent_id] => 0 [geo_state] => 2 [user_consent] => [search_description] => [yrs_exp] =>

8 years

[origin_ip] => [member_type] => yearly [month] => 04 [year] => 2021 [last_Login] => 20190516154653 [clientid] => 73 [orderid] => 70 [productids] => 70 [invoiceid] => 901800085 [youtube_link] =>
[qualifications1] =>

Fitness Australia

[qualifications2] => -----Select----- [qualifications3] => -----Select----- [qualifications4] => -----Select----- [qualifications5] => -----Select----- [hours] => N/A [form-heading-text-1] => 50% off 1st session [form-heading-text-2] => Mat Pilates, HIIT, Seniors [aboutnew] => Intune Fitness is a health and fitness training service. It is about helping you to achieve the little things in life that matter by: Getting you moving, and doing something to improve your health so you can live longer and spend more time with loved ones. Assisting you to make exercise part of your daily routine that it becomes second nature to you. Supporting and helping you achieve a healthier and balanced lifestyle through nutrition and fitness, therefore, enabling you to enjoy life. Each session is tailored to each individual and the focus is: Ensuring that you have proper technique and form when performing the exercise to prevent injuries. Functional movements, Strengthening exercises, Endurance exercises, Balance exercises. Intune Fitness offers mobile personal training, small group training, group fitness classes, as well as Seniors exercise classes. So there is something for everyone for all levels. [all_subcategories] => 1 [certificates3] => Matwork Pilates [filename_hidden] => personal-trainer/western-australia/bicton/esther-teh [seo_page_title] => Esther Teh [seo_page_keywords] => Esther Teh [seo_page_description] => Intune Fitness is a health and fitness training service. It is about helping you to achieve the little things in life that matter by: Getting you moving, and doing something to improve your health so you can live longer and spend more time with loved ones. [certificates1] => Cert III and IV in Fitness [certificates2] => Les Mills Bodystep [is_subscription_active] => 70 [seo_page_title_hidden] => Esther Teh - Personal-Trainer - Fitness Industry [seo_page_keywords_hidden] => Esther Teh, Esther Teh Bicton, Western Australia Australia, Esther Teh Personal-Trainer, Esther Teh Reviews [seo_page_description_hidden] => Connect with Esther Teh, Personal-Trainer in Bicton, Western Australia Australia. Find Esther Teh reviews and more. [seo_social_page_title_hidden] => Esther Teh on Meet Your Personal Trainer [seo_social_page_description_hidden] => Learn about Esther Teh, Personal-Trainer in Bicton, Western Australia Australia. Find Esther Teh reviews and more on Meet Your Personal Trainer. [form_heading_text_1] => N/A [form_heading_text_2] => N/A [service] => 237, 238, 243, 808, 247, 248, 884 [full_name] => Esther Teh [full_name_short] => Esther Teh [country_name] => Australia [state_name] => Western Australia [name] => Western Australia [location] => Bicton, Western Australia Australia [user_location] => Bicton, WA 6157 AU [profession_name] => Personal-Trainer [profession] => Meet Your Personal Trainer [gmap_zoom] => 13 [member_since] => 4.9 years [signup_date_format] => 05/16/2019 [service_name] => Functional Fitness [photo_file] => /logos/profile/-logo-bicton-wa-218.jpg [logo_file] => /logos/profile/-logo-bicton-wa-218.jpg [cover_photo] => [image_main_file] => /logos/profile/-logo-bicton-wa-218.jpg [member_login_link] => [default_category_image] => [city_name] => Bicton [custom_form] => 1 [new_filename] => %filename% ) NULL

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Fitness training to enable you to live a healthy lifestyle you deserve.

Contact Information

Online Social Profiles
Phone Number
See Phone Number
Unit 3/95 Waddell Road
Bicton, Western Australia, 6157
Phone Number
0423 569 710
Years of Experience

8 years

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Enter Website Links

Intune Fitness is a health and fitness training service. It is about helping you to achieve the little things in life that matter by: Getting you moving, and doing something to improve your health so you can live longer and spend more time with loved ones. Assisting you to make exercise part of your daily routine that it becomes second nature to you. Supporting and helping you achieve a healthier and balanced lifestyle through nutrition and fitness, therefore, enabling you to enjoy life.
Each session is tailored to each individual and the focus is: Ensuring that you have proper technique and form when performing the exercise to prevent injuries. Functional movements, Strengthening exercises, Endurance exercises, Balance exercises. Intune Fitness offers mobile personal training, small group training, group fitness classes, as well as Seniors exercise classes. So there is something for everyone for all levels.
My Qualifications & Registrations 1

Fitness Australia

My Qualifications & Registrations 2
My Qualifications & Registrations 3
My Qualifications & Registrations 4
My Qualifications & Registrations 5
My Certificates - 1
Cert III and IV in Fitness
My Certificates - 2
Les Mills Bodystep
My Certificates - 3
Matwork Pilates
My Open Hours